
Today during our morning outside time we decided we wanted to not only play, but to go on a work hunt! Wells C.  took charge and started my Olive friends off strong! They all got out their shovels and started digging and investigating in the dirt for some worms. With each others help they were able to find 3 different kinds of worms…”one loooong, one small, and one Huge”- as my friends said

Wells-“looks guys”

Wells-“wooow, it’s a circle”
“It’s sooo long”

Mikey-“ahhh worm!!!”

Wells-“you can touch it Louie”


Leia-“ms. Lauren I’m digging for worms”

Wells-“this one is small”

Leia-“wow wellsy, a worm”

The Olive children thought to explore and investigate all on their own! I loved how they were taking turns using the shovels and showing each other their findings. They were all so eager and excited for the worm hunt! It was a great wet morning outside for a work hunt!! 

Learning Foundations-
ELA1.3 Demonstrate ability to engage in conversation
M3.1 Demonstrate understanding of classifying
APL1.2 Demonstrate interest and curiosity as a learner
SC5.1 Demonstrate scientific curiosity
PHG3.1 Demonstrate development of fine and gross motor coordination
